'#RoyalMarinesROP #RoyalMarines #ROP We sat down and chatted to a Recruit which has just finished ROP. He speaks about his time what it involves. From Fitness, lectures, exercises and pass or fail tests. Plus much much more don\'t miss out on this one. Listen on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/6qsAVsliwEUgq6CLjOp8Aj'
Tags: how to , fitness , Workout , military , Marines , Royal Marines , recruit training , royal marines prmc , PRMC , PJFT , royal marines fitness , royal marines pjft , CPC , royal marines recruit training , royal marines ROP , Royal Marines Commandos , royal marines cpc , rop
SEE ALSO: arms , podcast , kraft , celebrity news , बॉल वुड क 10 बड़ खबरें , weight loss workout , girls , cardio , Nestl , yoga