
'Fit Ball Cobra - Exercise Demo'

'Fit Ball Cobra - Exercise Demo'

'This is an exercise demonstration for the Fit Ball Cobra.   This exercise demonstration is intended to show proper form, but is not a detailed explanation of the movement. We upload and use these videos to use on a training app where we program workouts for our clients. If you’re interested in learning more about our programs, check us out at https://pikefitness.com  Please only attempt movements you feel comfortable with! If you are unsure how to perform a movement, we recommend you seek guidance from a certified personal trainer. If you feel pain during any exercise, stop immediately and contact a physician.' 

Tags: exercise , demo

SEE ALSO: Royal , Circuit Training , Jeremy , tabata , comedy , girl , philippines street food , deadlift , zumba dance dance fitness , abs core workout

May 28, 2022
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