'Stay strong and healthy throughout your pregnancy with my full body prenatal strength workout! The full workout is written below for you to screenshot. Grab yourself a supportive sports bra and give it a go next time you hit the gym with bump! If you like this video, I\'d love you to give it a big thumbs up, share it and subscribe if you want to see more prenatal workout videos! *This video contains paid for advertorial for Aptaclub as part of their Active for 2 campaign. ❤ M Y W O R K O U T ❤ 2-3 SETS: A1. KB Sumo Squat x 10-12 reps A2. DB Single Arm Row x 10-12 reps (each side) A3. DB Lateral Lunge x 10-12 reps (each side) A4. DB Lateral Raise x 10-12 reps 2-3 SETS: B1. Elevated Banded Glute Bridge x 12-15 reps B2. DB Bicep Curl x 12-15 reps 2-3 SETS: C1. Side Plank with Leg Lift x 10-30 seconds (each side) C2. Superman x 6-8 reps (each side) IMPORTANT: You should ensure you\'re cleared by your GP and/or midwife before beginning any exercise routine, and always listen to your body. Always warm up before training and cool down/stretch after your workout, and keep hydrated! Choose a weight you\'re comfortable with and be sure that you can still hold a conversation throughout every exercise - if you can\'t, lower the intensity/ weights and rest as long as you need to between exercises. ❤ W&W P R E N A T A L T R A I N I N G P L A N S ❤ www.wedgesandweights.com/becomeawedgette _____________________________________________________________ C O M E S A Y H E Y! ❤ Latest blog post: https://www.wedgesandweights.com/blog/ ❤ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wedgesandweights/ ❤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/realhannahmills ❤ Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1Qs4ID1 ❤ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/wedgesandweight/ _____________________________________________________________ Have a FABULOUS day and THANK YOU for watching! ❤ Hannah ❤'
Tags: Workout , strength , strength workout , pregnant , prenatal workout , prenatal fitness , prenatal exercise , pregnancy workout , prenatal , fit pregnancy , pregnancy resistance workout , pregnancy strength training , prenatal strength workout , pregnancy workout plan , mum to be workout , aptaclub , exercises for when pregnant
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