'https://spartanstrength.co.uk/ Today we worked this variation of the squat as an alternative to regular squat pieces we do. One will compliment the other and create carryover. It\'s a different depth range but due to the different focus of this movement depth isn\'t the main concern yet. It\'s the use of the hamstrings and glutes I want to get these guys aiming for. Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/wearespartanstrength/ https://www.instagram.com/spartanstrength/ https://twitter.com/weare_spartan CONTACT ME FOR FOR PERSONAL TRAINING, SEMI PRIVATE TRAINING, GPP FITNESS SMALL GROUP TRAINING (FREEDOM STRENGTH GYM - OLDHAM), ONLINE NUTRITION COACHING AND ONLINE FITNESS PROGRAMS.'
Tags: Oldham Gym , Oldham Group Fitness Class , Oldham Functional Fitness , Oldham Strength and Conditioning , Oldham Personal Training , Oldham CrossFit Trainer , Oldham Online Nutrition Coach , Oldham High Intensity Training
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