'Anna Kooiman of Strong Sexy Mammas interviews Dr. Jill Gamberg about the following: 1. Why exercise is beneficial for mom & baby? 2. How much exercise do we need each week? 3. No contact sports or those that risk falling— but does that include things like bike riding & snow skiing? 4. Avoid hot Pilates and hot yoga.... or exercising in hot & humid outdoor conditions.... why?? And does this also mean we should stay out of the sauna, steam room, & hot tub? 5. How intense should we exercise? Why do we use RPE & talk test rather than heart rate? 6. How heavy or light should weights be for classes? 7. Why is it important to pay attention to our pelvic floor for both short term and long term health? 8. How can certain exercises help and hurt our chances of abs separation? 9. Old recommendations to stay off back completely.... have been replaced with something less strict- why? And how do we know if we should be conferenced and get off our back? 10. Is it okay to run and jump in pregnancy? How much? And how do we know if/when we should slow down? 11. Every women is different. Every pregnancy is different... what are some common aches/pains/issues to be aware of as it relates to exercise? (incontinence, pelvic pubic pain, round ligament pain, back pain, swelling, carpal tunnel) 12. Breathlessness... how do we know if it’s something to be concerned about? 13. Basic water & super quick nutrition tips?'
SEE ALSO: sch , Weight loss , Physical Education , 2nd trimester workout , fact , physical exercise , Food , Celebrity , K pop , fit flaunt