'I Play Zumba Burn it Up! for 30 Days (Nintendo Switch) - Fitness Game Review'

'I Play Zumba Burn it Up! for 30 Days (Nintendo Switch) - Fitness Game Review  Does Zumba Burn it Up! Hold up for thirty days or do I go dancing to a different game? Find out in this video!  Follow me on twitter at: @TrueJackJenk  Script:  I love to dance! Just moving this big old body around to the music\'s beat is just a ton of fun. However, with the current issue, which we can\'t say since YouTube will demonetize the video, the clubs are closed. If only there was a game that I can dance to and lose weight. That\'s right, it\'s Zumba time! Welcome to Fitness Game Review, where I play one game for thirty days to see if it turns me into a Greek god or not. Today I will be reviewing Zumba Burn it up for the Nintendo Switch.  [Intro] Let me first start off by saying I have done Zumba before. Back in middle school and high school, my mom actually taught Zumba classes at our local gym. I didn\'t like it then since I was a teenager and teenagers don\'t like anything. So I started off with sort of a negative experience in my mind. But after playing this game for thirty days, I realized doing Zumba as an adult is a ton of fun and is an amazing workout. The game, however, falls short of being an excellent vehicle to deliver the Zumba goodness.   [Playing Day 1] [Day 1 Review]  As I said in my first day\'s review, the game is straightforward. You hold the joy-con in your hand and dance to the various songs within the game. If you have ever played Just Dance, it is like that, although a bit more intense. At first, I hated the joy-con tracking as it didn\'t read my moves very well. It wasn\'t until I reread the instructions that I realized that you can only hold the controller in your right hand. I was doing it with my left as I am left-handed. That is something that you can\'t change, so us lefties are… well left out. Switching it over to my right hand did help the tracking. I feel like the game works well with the switch controller\'s limitations, but it would feel much better at home with the Kinnect as it expects you to use your whole body. The Wii versions of previous games came with a leg strap to help read your lower body. Not sure why this one doesn\'t. It could even be patched to utilize the ring fit leg strap, but it\'s been a year since release, and no such feature exists. Overall, the game is just decent in regards to reading your moves.  The gameplay is this, just move to the beat of the music. The second is pulsating from the joycon to help you keep track. As a side note, for some reason, the settings have it set low, so I recommend you turn the vibration up to high so you can actually feel it. After you move to a set of moves, you get a rating. That rating fills up a portion of the circle on the lower left side of the screen. Get it all the way filled, and you get a star. By the end of the song, how many stars you got is your score in the music. It\'s effortless and standard for games of this genera. Honestly, it is beneficial here as it makes me want to keep dancing as hard as I can to get all the stars in the song. Dancing like this is a very effective workout, and anything to push you to keep going is fantastic.   As this is a dancing game, the songs are the most crucial aspect of it. And the songs in this game are pretty are hit and miss as well. I guess they never miss, huh. God, that meme is beyond dead. Anyways, you got Cardi B\'s. I like it like That and Ciara\'s Level up. That\'s it for the big names in the game. I understand that it\'s a budget title releasing for only forty dollars, so they don\'t have much money for licenses. It\'s also why there are only thirty songs in the game, which is far too little. Again, it\'s a budget title. However, I think most people will pay more money for games with more content. If the game was sixty dollars like the older ones and had like forty-five songs, people would be much happier. Don\'t get me wrong, Some of the no-name songs are awesome. Songs like Indian Moonshine… and Firehouse… are just bangers. Some of the slower ones are just horrible. Such as the song Love… It sounds like a lame stock song for five bucks on the audio jungle. Another piece, hey doctor… is just garbage wanna be a bro-country rip-off… why would anybody want to be bro-country. Gross. Overall you have about a third of the songs being excellent, a third being decent and a third going straight to the trash bin.   The game is all about dancing, and it shows in the game modes. You can choose from a single song to dance to. It\'s fine and has a ton of details listed for each song, such as how many times you played it or how much \"energy\" you burned. I put energy in quotes since the game doesn\'t actually calculate calories burned. That\'s a feature a fifteen-year-old game like Mario DDR Mix can include but not Zumba fitness. Oh well. My one complaint with this screen and the song\'s title cards is that it should say the artist\'s name as well.  Read the full script on the Website!' 

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Mar 8, 2022
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