'T-shirts - DVD: https://www.pauleugene.store Zoom Classes: https://www.pauleugene.com/zoom Stability Ball Fitness is a 29 minute exercise workout on a stability ball or swiss ball. The seated exercise workout features cardio, dance, strength and abdominal exercises. The exercise moves are safe, effective, fun and take the stress off your knees. You will have so much fun that you will forget that you are exercising. This workout helps to increase your balance, stability and increase your confidence to try something new. #stabilityball #seniorfitness #swissballworkout #pauleugene'
Tags: stability ball workout , low impact workout , Paul Eugene , Stability ball fitness , seated exercise workout , ball aerobics , non impact workout
SEE ALSO: sab , kareena kapoor , best motivational video , weight loss tips , gym lovers ️ , U.S.Marines , body fitness gym , Stephan , motivation , community