'This 12 Minute Standing Abs Workout COULD be the most effective (and fastest) core workout you\'ll ever do. You\'ll get a stronger core and it\'s perfect for everyone! In this video, core and bodyweight training expert Chris Robert takes you through a 12 minute standing abs workout routine that is suitable for all levels. EXERCISES 1.Knee -to-elbows 2.High Knees 3.Toe touches 4.wood chop 5.Kneeboxing block 6.side Knee touches 6 PACK Beginner ABS WORKOUT AT HOME | QUICK RESULTS | TOP 8 ABS | Chris Robert https://youtu.be/9DQCHVU53sE standing core workout standing ab routine standing abs no equipment no equipment standing abs ab workout no laying down standing workout no laying down abs standing core abs workout rectus diastasis ab workout rectus diastasis standing abs workout no jumping standing abs workout for women at home without equipment standing abs workout for men standing up abs workout fitness blender best standing up standing standing abs workout standing up abs workout at home'
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SEE ALSO: shilpa s yoga , Iron Gym �� , mar , fitness tips , Women , gesundheit , workout videos , lin , glute workout.. , ab workout