'https://www.anatbanielmethod.com/ What Does It Mean To Be Fit? We all want to be fit and healthy. “How fit you are” is often based upon your body and physical assets like strength, endurance, flexibility, and body composition. And much of fitness training focuses on your muscles, repetition, trying harder and harder, and continuing to practice through injury and pain. But does this approach really make you fit? Whole Body Fitness is defined as the ability to execute your intentions in life, whether you’re a high-performance athlete or a grandmother who wants to get down on the floor to comfortably play with your grandchildren. Becoming a fit human being involves far more than simply developing certain muscle groups through activities like running or lifting weights. Whole body fitness includes how you think and the way your brain works. Your brain plays an essential role in your level of whole body fitness. With Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®, rather than focusing attention on your muscles, we focus on your brain. NeuroMovement and the 9 Essentials provide the conditions that flood your brain with the new information it needs to successfully create the neural patterns to overcome pain and achieve whole body fitness. Learn more about NeuroMovement and whole body fitness: https://www.anatbanielmethod.com/adults/whole-body-fitness/ https://youtu.be/bPgOenyMuC4'
Tags: fitness tips , how to get fit , neuroplasticity , Whole Body Fitness , brain change , anat baniel , anat baniel method , neuromovement , best way to get fit
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