'WARM UP 6-10 reps in place or 25 feet walking steps walking high kicks warm up walking high kicks knee pull to chest figure 4 quad stretch knuckle sweep high knees butt kickers skip for height skip for distance \"Jelly Belly\" 3 sets not for time 9 pushups w/ 1 sec hold at bottom 1:00 left side plank 1:00 right side plank 15 hollow rocks 1: left side plank 1:00 right side plank 21 v-ups this is not for time, its for quality and core strength. Metcon AMRAP 14 15 kb or db swings 200m run'
SEE ALSO: royal marines training , Dance , cycling , prenatal.prenatal , chest , keeping up with the kardashians , booty workout , mark , Brit , hudson tractor